First protected DREAMer is deported under Trump

That's abhorrent. I don't even know what to say anymore, beyond that really.

TBH, I don't know if I can pay attention to politics like I have been anymore... I feel like my body is breaking down from all the anxiety and dread with every movement this administration publicly makes. This has to be happening to other people too, especially among those who have good reasons to be afraid we'll be the next victims of Trump's destructive policy decisions and rhetoric. Which makes me concerned that lots of people are just going to start ignoring politics for their own health too.

I'm sick of being denigrating by morons on the internet for feeling emotional because politics are fucked up right now. I'll always be there to vote against the GOP, though. If it requires me to crawl out of my fucking death bed, I'll do it. In every fucking election down to and below my city's treasurer. I'd vote for an actual (rather than proverbial) sack of shit before I'd vote GOP. It's clear that's the only thing I need to know about politics at this point. Fuck Trump. And fuck the GOP. And Fuck all the morons that support them. And fuck all the the liberals that have the power to help shut these authoritarian fucks down by giving them a taste of their own medicine, but don't. (Looking at you, reddit admins.)

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