In the first question of the press briefing, AP reporter Zeke Miller asked deputy press secretary Raj Shah to explain why “...We in this room and, more importantly, the American people, [should] trust anything this administration is telling them?" How do you respond to this? Do you trust the admin?

It wouldn't be possible to answer this without adding the context. Never have we lived in a more divisive political time. There are large swaths of the media and public who believe Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin. It would be like if 9/11 truthers regularly wrote in the Times. It's simply unprecedented.

So naturally, there are a lot of inappropriate questions the White House has to contend with, and they respond as truthfully as they can. But just like asking someone "Did you have sex with your wife last night?" not every question is deserving of a response, truthful or otherwise. That doesn't make the person in question dishonest. It makes you unhinged.

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