First review is in

Summary, containing some spoilers:

– EDGE indicates that the game is very dense – You’ll roam around and get distracted by dozens of different things “an absolute, and unremitting pleasure to get lost in” – Over 100 shrines and they are multi purpose – The world feels well realized despite game like speed potions – Four beasts must be exorcised, with a couple sub missions a final dungeon and a boss fight for each – If you focus on just the main quest you’re looking at about 20 hours – You’ll have all the tools you need after playing 4 shrines (opening hour) – Defeating beasts will net you RPG like stat boosts and a new power with a big cool down that breaks the game in ways they wouldn’t spoil – Frame rate is a little uneven on the Wii U version, dropping to teens in very busy sequences like heavy weather effects, rarely when it matters – Nuts and bolts combat is a little unpredictable at times but that encourages you to the many other tools and powers at your disposal

/r/Breath_of_the_Wild Thread