First Safe Injection Site in Toronto This is a video I created about harm reduction. It is my goal to start a petition to establish the first safe injection site in eastern Canada.

if you as an organization are facilitating this

Safe injection sites do not facilitate drug use. They do the opposite. Is a doctor who prescribes a cholesterol-lowering medication to a patient facilitating his unhealthy eating habits? Preventative management of high-risk lifestyles saves money down the line. 100,000 more or less hepatitis patients would have a significant effect on everyone's taxes.

Insite staff aren't helping anyone get high. Everyone who uses drugs at Insite, if the site didnt exist, would've just taken their drugs somewhere else, just now likely to use a shared needle in a public park. Safe injection sites decrease drug use and violent crime. Opposite of facilitating.

responsibility for the abuser's and community's well being than just making sure a single instance of drug use isn't fatal or a disease contracting event.

This is exactly what Insite does. Getting IV drug users off the street with needle exchanges, providing addiction treatment, rehab programs, social services to addicts is taking a whole lot more responsibility for the drug use and the community.

Specifically, what responsibility is lacking here? What standard must be reached for you to be satisfied with "a whole lot more responsibility for the abuser's and community's well being"?

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