First seizure ever, Went to doctor, questions unanswered

I had my only seizure this past November. I was in withdrawals and had some swelling from a parasite (later fixed with meds) but I didn't have a clue what was happening. I thought I was asleep. A friend who had come by to do some pre-wedding (I was his best man) planning and scheming found me on the floor of my house. I had a pretty heavy dose of the parasite killer Praziquantel. I thought they were going to put me on something for the seizure, but they said it would be unlikely I had another. I am sensitive to light and my vision is a little poorer than it was. I remember three things from before the seizure. 1) My ears had been ringing for weeks. It got really loud. 2) I smelled things from a candy store even though there were no candies or sweets in my house. 3) I could hear a loud banging in the distance that was only in my head. The next thing I knew, I was on a stretcher in a hospital. I was extremely sick to my stomach for about a week after. (I had been self-medicating with THC for some years at this point and I was later involved in an MDMA study)

The docs I saw at the hospital told me to come back if I had any issues and to try and make someone aware of my whereabouts for a little while and have someone call to check in on me, but that mine was likely caused from ceasing the THC use and the parasite, which was later cleared, causing swelling.

If you've had a CT scan, there's not a whole lot more they can do. The smells sensitivity has just passed for me. I don't get migraines or even headaches at all. What I did have going on was like a charley horse in the area under my chin, like above my adam's apple. They said if that happened again to seek medical help. It was extraordinarily painful. If you are at University, you'll probably have people around and they have you on file now as having had a seizure and gone to the health center. I wouldn't freak out about it. Get a doctor if you're scared and see wha they say.

/r/Epilepsy Thread