A first time for me, meeting my gf's exhusband and "flirts". Help!

I have overcome a lot of it, shyness insecurity introvert with some light social anxiety and a lot of social isolation because I moved for a new job.. Also severe depression, obesity and addictive behaviors, fucked blood sugars and high pressure. I was a mess, like a Gordian knot.. The pieces didn't fit in my life.

Then things changed and I took responsibility for myself.

About a year or year and a half later, I am in a significantly better place. I have made more new friends in 10 months than in the darkest 4 years before that and these people really like me, I get hugged when they see me. I finally found a way to enjoy the place I moved to and see its good side. Tried a ton of delicious food and found nice restaurants, people ask ME for recommendations now. I have made myself financially much more stable and out of debt. I have dropped a good three clothes sizes, replaced most of my wardrobe, shopped at a regular store and people I haven't seen in a long while do a "holy shit you lost a lot of weight" when they see me. Sugars snapped back to normal, pressure is on the way down; I can run like a motherfucker, as in actually feet flying off the ground instead of cement truck puffing out of breathe. I had some chances to play music live and released an album on iTunes and spotify.

And half way into that transformation she approached me suddenly, for our very common interests and likes... and I have really come into my own in a lot of ways now since. I have gotten a metric fuckton of nice experiences and memories with her. She knows some part how I dug myself out and she has been very supportive and kind. It's been quite a ride, especially compared to my life some three years ago.

I still have a way to go and improve my feeling of confidence and security; and you are right I need to work on this specific thing because it triggers me stronger than anything else when it shouldn't.

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