First time posting. Just would like some advice/support.

My parents sound a lot like your father. I have very, very far left political views beyond all democrats, am atheist, and childfree. I never hear the end of it from them (they are conservative christians). They also talk about what a disappoint I am, that I'm not normal, and have no morals.

Anyway, you're not the only one out there in this kind of situation so there's that at least. It's hard to offer advice though. It honestly doesn't bother me that much so I don't need to cope. I really just feel bad for them. I suppose the most important thing to remember is that no one's opinion matters except your own. There is only one person you have to live with, no matter what, and that person is yourself. I also wouldn't put too much credence into anyone just because they're family. I treat family the same way I would anyone else. It is not like I chose who my parents were going to be, I don't owe them anything, as you don't owe your father anything. At the end of the day he's just another person and if he's always negative like this you should tell him to fuck right off. I know that's what i'll be doing.

/r/childfree Thread