First times

The first couple of times I smoked, I didn't get much out of it. I've heard this happens to some people, but I don't understand why (if somebody knows any good hypotheses, I'd like to know them).

Anyway, this is the story of the first time trees had a real effect on me.

I'd been at work all day.. it was getting near the end of my shift, and one of my co-workers (who I'm also pretty good friends with outside of work), asked if I wanted to come over and try... he knew I'd never successfully gotten more than a tiny bit high, and really wanted to be the one that pushed me over that edge.

He also wanted to see what I was like.. because even though I'm kinda weird, and I say weird things, people tend to think I'm also fairly smart.. so I guess i was kind of an experiment.

At the time, I had a slight anxiety about accepting, because I tended to be very paranoid that I'd be found out. But I figured this was a good shot.. somebody who didn't just want to share a few puffs of weed with me, but was actually dedicated to doing whatever it takes to get me high.. so I accepted.

Later that evening, I grab some cookies and drinks, based solely on what I'd heard about 'munchies' and not knowing how intense the desire to eat could be... or how amazing the flavors would be. I show up at his place, and find that he already has his bong packed, and some snacks already prepared.. I add mine to the pile, and we go sit down and get started.

He let me have the first pull.. lighting and pulling the bowl for me so I could see how it was done.. Surprisingly, I didn't cough the first time, and actually held it in for a pretty good while.

He went next, then passed it back to me and asked if I wanted to try doing it all by myself this time, and I said sure.. except of course I hadn't mastered the process of knowing how long to light, when to pull the bowl, etc.. and I took a stupidly big hit.

Coughed my lungs out... just doubled-over choking to death for a while, but I'm already starting to notice a dream-like euphoria falling like a veil over my sight and sound. By the time my throat felt better, I was just looking around like whoaa.... I told him that I felt like I was dreaming.. like there was a certain distance between me and reality.

He, a veteran tree-smoker, just laughed and was like "yeah? Tell me about it.." so I actually started trying to literally explain stuff I was feeling, while he just smirked and laughed and added little comments here and there... we started having some kind of in-depth conversation about something that I no longer remember.

I took like 2 or 3 more medium-sized hits.. didn't choke much on those.. after that, and his hits, the bowl was cashed, so we went to go get some snacks...

The cookies I brought were amzing.. like balls of pure buttery, sugary flavor that just seemed to exist inside my mouth because I could barely feel my tongue or teeth.. chewing was like pure muscle memory... I tried to explain to him at the time that I knew the food was in my mouth, because I could feel it in there, and taste it.. but that my mouth didn't feel like it normally did... to this day, I still can't quite explain what it was actually like.. but it was weird.

At this point, I was just glued in-place... The idea of doing even the simplest of things seemed like it was too complicated, and like something would happen along the way that would lead to me forgetting what I was doing and/or failing, so it was easier to just sit and let things happen around me.

Eventually, he convinced me to get up so he could go have a cigarette break. I vaporize e-liquid, so I pulled out my vaporizer, and didn't have much trouble using it, despite my mental state.. problem was, apparently my body didn't like THC and Nicotine at the same time... I threw up in his back yard... I said I'd try to clean it up if he got me a shovel or something.. he told me not to worry about it (found out later that the very next day his dog found the vomit pile, which was mostly made of peanut butter sandwich and sugar cookies, and ate it. Gross)

We went back inside, and kept talking.. I got glued to the couch again, because I just couldn't focus on anything.. he's acting like a total boss, already knows how to handle himself, and is serving up goblets of banana pudding for both of us. That was pretty good, too, but the most amazing thing to me at the time was that he was even able to go do that without a problem..

Of course, I learned later how to handle myself when high.. built up some tolerance, and found myself able to do almost anything high that I could do sober, so long as I put my mind to it.

Anyway... TL;DR. Cool friend wanted to be the first person to get me really high, succeeded, ate awesome snacks together, threw up from nicotine/THC disagreement in my system, dog ate throw-up, I had my mind blown in various different ways that night.. been smoking fairly regularly ever since.

/r/trees Thread