First TRUE NEGATIVE (?) review of the "Pimax 5k+"

u/EHEBrandon on r/Pimax

I wouldn't take this review to heart. The Spanish community are kind of salty because Pimax treated them like second class citizens so they have a reason however this is why I would expect their reviews to be extra critical and bias. We got three other reviewers raving about it and talking good about it and honestly I'll trust SweViver, MRTV, and VooDooDE over a reviewer I haven't really even heard of.

Typical Kickstarter backer. If someone is talking super positively about it, it must be true!
Someone is having doubts? Must be an Oculus shill!

Yeah... But the Spanish reviewers kind of have beef with Pimax right now so their reviews are kind of bias.. Its kind of different to be honest. Normally they are trustworthy reviewers yes? However its safe to say this there is kind of a bias since so far 3 out of 5 people who got there hands on one have raved about it and those other 2 people are Spanish. Something doesn't add up so there is definitely a bias going on or the product is being hyped up to sale and they're right. However I'm going with the ladder and I hope I'm right because this review makes the headset sound horrid.

/r/oculus Thread