Five year lull?

You can’t just discuss emotions, you need to have an action plan. He seems incredibly responsive which is good. You both need to discuss what things and ideas need to be achieved in order for you to feel differently. It needs to be a plan.

He may be stressed or consumed by his career at the moment so instead of saying “just do what feels right” and creating this unnecessary pressure. You can suggest, “twice a week is our week, one day is for you and one is for me - no phones, just us on a date” which enforces both of you into the mentality that dedicated quality time is required. This will grow in to a habit. Maybe write down a bucket list - movies you want to watch, local food places - maybe even get a local map and highlight all the places you both go (lookouts, walks, restaurants etc). He may not be in the frame of mind to bring flowers, but getting him into a “I actually do need attention” routine is a start.

A lot of people tend to treat people differently when they know they’ll be there, a small form of being taken for granted. They don’t need to treat you like you’re both dating because he knows you are going to be there no matter what.

/r/relationship_advice Thread