Fix Thy Hammers Bungie.

No, I didn't say that, you misunderstood what I said. In my first post, I said explicitly that hit detection is a TTK issue. If you don't feel like bringing up the post and re-reading it, here it is:

'Those issues for Blade Dancers have all existed since Day 1 and nothing... and that's not even getting into the hit detection issue that came with TTK, or the PvE issues with the class (using your entire super on a yellow knight without killing it, for example).'

If you recall, I brought up a few problems with the Blade Dance super that have existed since vanilla. In response, you said you don't know what I was talking about and repeated your points from your rebuttal, that the neutral game is sweet and hit detection is an issue. What I think you misunderstood in my second point was this:

'But where hammers are now is still not as bad as Blade Dance are and have been since vanilla's release.'

But, in the same post, I also said this:

'You also only brought up the hit detection as the only issue with the super so I thought I would bring up some of the other issues you chose to leave out or were unaware of.'

So, to summarize, what I said is that there have always been problems with the Blade Dance super ability. Most of those problems existed before the Hit Detection problem that came with the TTK. I understand why you think Hammers of Sol are in a worse place but that is because the super ability went from God-Mode to where the rest of the supers in the game are now but at least they are reevaluating the subclass as a whole.

Blade Dance, on the other hand, had fairly significant restrictions and vulnerabilities since vanilla that made the super ability less reliable then other super abilities in most situations and encounters. The hit detection issue, that you keep mentioning as the sole issue with the ability and the one that did not exist in vanilla but came around the same time as TTK, made a bad situation even worse. This is why I believe the Blade Dance super ability is in a worse place then Hammers of Sol.

Hopefully, that should clear up my second response. Since I've just spent this entire post repeating myself, I'm not going to reiterate my points from my first post. If you really want to know what I possibly could've said, you're welcome to go back and re-read it. If you still don't understand and want to make it about hit detection again (they weren't about hit detection), then I'd encourage to play with your blade dancer with what I said in mind. Don't just go run IB or control, I mean really play it. Take it into Trials, play a little salvage, maybe some rumble. Hopefully, then you will understand what I'm talking about. Once again, hit detection is not the only problem with the super ability.

Also, if you care to keep the discussion going, would you mind expanding on how you define 'the neutral game'?

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