Fixing Fantastic Four - What they should have done

I like the idea that Fantastic Four should, first and foremost, be a science fiction movie, but I think it should be more than that. My idea would be a story of revenge, loss, and conflicting ideologies.

Character Alterations We really need to fix some things that the last film broke. The characters won't be teeny-boppers, but they won't be old scientists either. I think for an origin story, their ages should range from mid to late 20's. This will keep the cast members young and fresh enough so they aren't geriatric by the time we run the series to the ground.

1)The first thing that needs to be done is change Ben Grimm. The big bruiser with average intelligence schtick is lame and played out. He's both a scientist and athletic, the former being the catalyst that brings him and Reed together during childhood.

2) Sue & Johnny Storm are both white. We don't need convoluted racial dynamics/gimmicks to draw in what Hollywood would call the "urban" demographic, we just need a movie that doesn't suck. Their father, who is deceased, left them in charge of his research facilities, which means they're filthy rich. They continue in their father's footsteps by using their scientific know-how to help mankind.

3) Victor Von Doom is the descendant of a great knight and king that once ruled the fictional European nation that he originates from (Latveria). Scary name aside, Victor's ancestor was a kind leader to his people and was an all around good guy. Victor's father is a renown scientist that was responsible for his tiny nation's abrupt technological and economical growth, but a neighboring fictional European nation attempts to take over Larveria and merge the two nations, and become a world power using Papa Doom's genius.

Suffice to say, Papa Doom is not on board with this. He knows that this invading nation intends to use his mind to harm others so he ends up sacrificing himself to take out a few key members of the enemy nation's military. This sacrifice manages to temporarily slow down the invasion, and gives Victor and Mama Doom ample time to escape, but the nation is taken over. 10-year-old Victor is exposed to some extreme violence, watching his school, friends, and life as he knew it crumble around him. His mother eventually dies in the fray, but not before giving him a steel mask...the mask that his ancestor, the fabled Knight of Doom. Victor vows to return one day and liberate his people.

4) Reed Richards is a genius who lets his curiosity get the best of him. This trait has sent him and his best buddy (Ben) on wild adventures and strengthened their bond. For as much as he errs on the side of caution, he's consistently comes out on top. He's got the perfect combination of genius and luck.

Now that we got the long-winded changes/disclaimer out of the way, we can get to the the first installment.

Johnny and Sue Storm along with Victor Von Doom first meet Reed Richards and Ben Grimm, with the former group posing a proposition: to develop a source of cheap, clean energy for poor nations of Earth. Instead of tapping into the Earth's vast resources, they have come up with the idea of teleporting the energy from one of the dead planets they have secretly found way on the other side of the universe. Apparently, these dead planets give off residual energy of unknown origin.

They've done all of this in secret because they know that the US government (and other powerful nations) would just keep it to themselves while the rest of the world struggles. Sue is drawn to Richards genius as well as his adventurous side, the latter reminds her of her late father and how he shown her and Johnny the wonders of science. Victor is apprehensive; he's no chump, but he doesn't like taking unnecessary risks. Too much is at stake: his nation needs to be restored to its former glory, and collaborating with someone that doesn't take the proper precautions could ruin all everything they've worked toward. Johnny and Sue eventually convince a reluctant Victor.

Our group of scientists manages to build a vessel that can, in theory, teleport over long distances in an incredibly short amount of time. They do a few dry runs, teleporting the vessel to the moon. Reed, being the careless one in the group, encourages them to speed up their time table and send the vessel to one of the dead planets so they can syphon some energy. Victor, being the voice of reason, points out the risks involved, pointing out that they have to find out what sort of effect long distance teleportation could have on the structural integrity of the vessel. It's obvious that the two tolerate each other, but they could be nothing more than colleagues.

Victor has been working with the Storms much longer than Reed and Ben. He is now a tall, handsome, dark haired young man who has grown attached to the twins and they're essentially the closest thing to family that he has. He also loves Sue, but they've drifted apart ever since Reed came along. Victor pretends that it doesn't bother him, and he actually has a good poker face. He also fears that Reed might convince the group to do something that might get them all killed.

Reed hatches a plan to travel to one of the dead planets while Victor attends yet another peace summit, in hopes of garnering support of the UN to overthrow the country that invaded Latveria. He's done so quite a few times in the past, but his words fell on deaf ears. Unbeknownst to Reed and the rest of the scientists, Victor has remote access to the research facility security infrastructure (a precaution he made just to keep an eye on their work). He watches via livestream, in dismay and seething anger, as his four colleagues enter the vessel and teleport. It was that idiot Reed Richards, luring Victors two loved ones into a vessel with promises of space adventure, like some Space Odyssey rendition of the pied piper. Victor rushes back to the facility, the summit could wait, it's not like they would listen to him anyway.

Meanwhile, on the dead planet all the way on the other side of the universe, the four scientist walk around the barren planet. There is what looks to be crumbling buildings and other structures that suggests intelligent life once lived there, but something terrible happened. They stumble upon vast reserves of this mystery energy, take some samples and begin to head back, but disturbing the energy reserve activated something. No, it awoke something. They rush back to the vessel. They can hear this loud roar, but they have absolutely no idea what's going on. They make it to their vessel, but it becomes partially engulfed in some sort of bluish hell-fire. The vessel teleports back to its point of origin, not knowing what they've done, but the audience sees exactly what happened. They disturbed the slumber of Galactus, the world eater, and that residual energy left on those dead planets are his energy signature. This key event will eventually lead to Galactus coming to Earth in the third or fourth installment.

Victor arrives just in time to witness the vessel's return and receive a face full of energy that somehow made it threw teleportation. His once handsome face is mutilated.

The energy blast that hit the vessel somehow seeped inside of it, creating some sort of radiated hotbox that altered the DNA of its inhabitants. Fade to black.

(This is pretty long-winded. I will type more if people actually want to know what happens.)

/r/movies Thread