Flag of the Federation of Western Subtopia

On August 3, 2020, Héshān Rivière was elected president of Moskochev, along with Frédéric Gorov as vice-president. Héshān's first act was installing communism in Moskochev and seceding from the Subtopian Political Union.

A hearing was held an hour after Héshān took office in the Subtopian Political Union to grant independence to Zamanbalad if they would join the Subtopian Political Union, which passed unanimously by the mostly-progressive members.

Adrionis continued attacking Zamanbalad, however, and when condemed by the Subtopian Political Union for this action, Adrionis seceded from the Subtopian Political Union and was declared an enemy by the Subtopian Political Union.

Knowing defeat was assured with the current combined arms of Diablo Blanca and Zamanbalad, the Subtopian Political Union's last alternative was to receive arms from Moskochev, and bring Moskochev back into the Subtopian Political Union. Héshān Rivière agreed to supply arms, but only if the Subtopian Political Union would adopt various communist policies and federalize, essentially creating one nation with one currency.

The Subtopian Political Union accepted this offer and dissolved their current state, replacing themselves with the Federation of Western Subtopia, led by a round table of three presidents (who also control their states) - Héshān Rivière (Moskochev), Jean Lafitte (Diablo Blanca), and Shushruth Khan (Zamanbalad).

Adrionis then declared war on the Federation of Western Subtopia, beginning the Adrionis - Western Subtopia War. The events of August 3, 2020 are remembered as Dark Monday.

/r/vexillology Thread Link - i.redd.it