Flaorida FSU QB is charged with assault and battery for punching a girl who kicked and punched him first even after trying to restrain her raised fist. He has been charged with assault and battery.

. She should get out of his way. He isn't jamming his way into her, he's trying to get through the crowd.

You're clearly seeing what you want to see.

How is it even remotely hard to claim getting punched can cause bodily harm?

It's hard to claim a light, hamfisted tap from a drunk woman presented a threat.

What do all of these gun blog posts have to do with retaliating a punch with a punch?

They're gun blog posts that go over the jurisprudence surrounding self defense law. I'm pretty sure self defense law is relevant to self defense.

Disparity of force isn't what you think it is.

You're welcome to post a citation that shows otherwise, which you don't seem to be capable of doing.

What you are literally saying, is that a man can NEVER defend himself against a female attacker

Nice straw man. Yes, men can legitimately defend themselves against women. A weak, 150 lb man can clearly be harmed by a well built, athletic woman. Pretty hard to claim a drunk, out of shape woman posed a significant threat to a large, young, in shape football player.

If someone shoots me in the shoulder while hes trying to kill me, and I shoot him in the head in my retaliating gunfire, am I guilty of murder, just because I am a better shot.

If they guy was shooting at you with a water gun and you shot him, you'd be guilty of murder. The girl was a water gun. She didn't pose a threat.

You are completely ignorant in terms of the law, and common sense. You're making a fool out of yourself.

Okie dokie.

That's not how the law works, and why it precisely states perceived threat.

Yes, officer, I shot an unarmed man. He, like, might have gone and gotten a gun. It's totally a legitimate defense!

Yeah, it actually doesn't work like that at all.

What she does (weak punch) doesn't matter.

Wait until a jury gets through with the case. It matters, if you would actually bother to read any part of the articles I've already posted about disparity of force.

I lunge at you with a knife, I miss, you kick me in the face and break my nose.

Again, disparity of force. Person with weapon > unarmed person. Drunk out of shape woman < young fit football player.

And a grown ass woman isn't a toddler.

I guess the words "extreme example" were lost on you. It was an extreme case to illustrate a point that has obviously flown right past you.

If you're going to keep making an ass out of yourself with false equivalency, then by all means, take your bullshit elsewhere.

Pot, kettle, kettle, pot, kiddo.

A woman is capable of beating up a man, punching a man, killing a man, assaulting a man, and has the mental capacity to know right from wrong.

All women aren't capable of beating up all men, and all men aren't stronger than all women, which is why we have judges, courts, and juries to judge the merits of cases. But, that all seems lost on you, so I'll leave you to your childish insults.

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