Flash and summoner spells

You are obviously clueless and i dont mind losing some internet points here arguing with you because at least i know i can shut you up. As you pointed out some heroes have d & f but thats rare exceptions and you know it, in League you will have to use both of them in any champion you are playing. Also, these spells can actually make part of team strategy and are very impactful if you know what you are doing with them and that's why they are so unique and interesting, they can make the game being played differently. Ill give you a small example: there is a summoner spell called ghost that basically gives you a speed advantage for brief seconds, in competitive play you will see some aggressive players use it to get first blood at level 1 or at least force the enemies to flash away since you will get closer to the enemy, in this case you are already securing a small advantage for the team since they wont have it for 5 mins making you more vulnerable for ganks. Zion (pro player) does this very frequently with olaf and he already solo killed people using this technique, it only make things way more interesting and exciting to watch. Also one thing that we arent considering, in League every champion has a passive, in some case there is actually more than 1 and this makes the abilities change when the passive is activated. In some champions you have different Q's, E's, etc depending if the passive is activated or not which allows them to have even more different abilities than just the normal qwer style (and yeh there is also champions that will allow you to when pressing R give you knew abilities but im not talking about this). One more thing where you were again wrong: in LoL you see a lot of actives from items and yes they are used for mid laners, top, jungle, adc and support, all of the roles, and its not uncommon to see at least 2 in league also. Some outplay potential actually come from this items (if you see the famous faker zed outplay you will actually understand what im saying).

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