Flat Earth - Simplified, Summarised, and Theorised

Thank you for your response. but thank you even more for providing data and links and not just attacking me or calling me a shill.

If you don't mind I have some questions...

this map here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/Flat_earth.png

is what seems to be considered the "flat earth map" where as Antarctica is essentially a giant ice ring around the earth and the border. you are telling me that taking off from south america, australia, south africa... any of those land masses that seem to very close to the wall will be prevented? What about letting a weather balloon go over there and trying to see the edge?

What about the tours/cruises/planes that leave south america and go the antartica penisula: http://www.hollandamerica.com/cruise-destinations/grand-south-voyages-cruise

you can legit take cruises to antartica.

Furthermore, based on this map it would put japan and asia extremely far away from california. with the recent fukishima radiation disaster and all that water that is pouring into the ocean that is now reaching california.... according to this map, wouldnt russia, australia, all the pan pacific islands...wouldnt they be getting doused with the bad water way before us? where is their outcry about contaminated water?

Moving on.... I have also seen this image circulated with flat earth theory... http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/130/7/e/7e5d24b6cc20b8918bbd7d7210b51b8f.jpg

Is this what you assume the "planet" and other planets/worlds look like? What is on the other side of our world? what is on the other side of antartica? is it more land? or just space?

Thanks in advance for your time and answers

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