flaunting her 20 mental illnesses all self dx lol

As someone who is diagnosed with OCD, Bipolar, and PTSD, seeing these diagnoses in a sort of "I'm so much more messed up than you" way makes me really upset. This shit is real. It's nearly ruined my college career and almost sabotaged my chances at graduate school until I caught it with my doctors and began getting medicated.

I constantly am envious of my peers for which success comes so much more naturally, both in things like school and work, as well as fulfillment in life and just plain happiness and well-being. I've spent many a good cry session wishing I was like them.

I think in certain cases well-researched people can reasonably suspect diagnoses and be valid for it, specifically ones with pretty clear indicators like anxiety, but the way this person tokenizes how "special" having these disorders is makes me wonder how much the symptoms actually affect their life.

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread Link - reddit.com