Fleas are driving me crazy!

My darling husband and I distracted ourselves for a bit by getting a bite at the restaurant across the street. If I felt anxious (which I have less and less but have been on edge because of fleas), I pointed out cool and unusual things I saw around the restaurant: like the awesome animal skull on the wall, or the fascinating old fashioned light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. I am getting better at being in the moment when I am out and not constantly feeling like I have to run away.

I am trying not to let this flea problem bring me down but in all honesty people it's been very hard. The bites hurt and I have been getting bitten very much at night. Cats appear to be healing. We are trying our hardest to get rid of them. Sometimes I feel like "nowhere is safe" (though I know that's not true). This reminds me of when I was super agoraphobic and what this felt like. I am trying to not let myself get brought down by this problem.

Any words of encouragement and advice are appreciated.. thanks everyone for being such a great community. I am so grateful for you all.

/r/Agoraphobia Thread