Flexing on the cops

Honestly, it's not that difficult taking on a singular dog. I say this from experience. I'm sure I'll get the tough guy comments now, but I've fended myself from dog attacks multiple times.

One time when I was walking my pit and another pit got out of a house and charged across the street at us. He was going for my dog, as he launched for my dog I timed it and grabbed his collar and slammed him into the ground and restrained him until he settled down. Then I put a leash on him and walked him back to his owner.

Another time I was on a farm with a dog known to be viscous and attack anyone unknown. This dog came charging at me, and he was intent on harm, unlike the first dog which I couldn't really tell if it was play or attack, this dog was attacking. Well, I kicked him straight in the mouth as he got to me and just about flipped him over backwards I kicked him so hard. He never came near me after this.

And the last time I was attacked, was more like this police dog where I was in close proximity when he attacked, and he bit my arm. As I hit him he bit my hand, I basically mouth fisted the fucker. I shoved my hand as far down that fuckers throat as I could jabbing my fingers into all the soft parts and he let go. He tried getting onto me a couple more times but I tapped him in the head each time and he stopped.

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