Okay and to add on to this, the Rift underneath Wailing woods, it looks like some scientists are doing research on it. What if something goes wrong with that "research" and the Rift rips a whole in time and space bringing all these old western and ancient things to the game. Possibly even bringing back the Dinosaur theory from long ago, where there was a giant Dino foot print over by Greasy Grove. Maybe the Dinos we see over at paradise palms are going to be real to the game? Also all the dead spots on the map like where the runes were, I think that, if my above theory is correct and the island lands in dusty divot and the cube expands outwards taking over the map, i think that everything is going to turn dead like those areas. Or maybe the Rift under Wailing has an experiment gone bad causing the Rift to rip open space and time and than expanding consuming the map and "transporting" it to an alien like planet. The dark side I suppose we could call it for now. My theories are all over im sorry its just fun to think of all the possibilities.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread