The flooding in both china and Germany is amazing. With 5,000+ dead in that tunnel in china, plus all the destruction in Germany, damage is in the trillions. WWIII Climactic Boogaloo is afoot...

It makes sense when dealing with that many people. It’s a simple numbers game at that point.

Let’s say we have a massive evacuation that requires large amounts of people to live on top of each other. Those people need things such as food, supplies , medical care etc etc.

Now if you let a known virus into a situation like this is causes multiple problems. These problems can and will put a threat on the system. This causes the supplies and medical care to take a hit.

All this can be avoided if the population you save is free of a disease.

It’s simple math. Humanity is thrown out the window when we are so vast in numbers we are reduced to nothing.

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