Floor 1 starting bonus as silent, what is your opinion?

Apotheosis is a ton of damage though, all your strikes get +3 damage. And it has the added benefit of giving your blocks +3 block too.

It's basically like getting +3 str and +3 dex with a ton of upside with other cards.

Plus since upgrades aren't as necessary you can afford to rest way more often so your HP stays high.

I do agree hand of greed is better for like Gremlin Nob (and it's obviously good for sentries since you can get gold 3 times, but not as good as Apotheosis for actually winning with taking less damage), but even with just Apotheosis and like maybe 1 or 2 mediocre attack cards you can definitely beat elites and then rest up at a camp without feeling like you're wasting an upgrade.

IMO Apotheosis is more consistently good than hand of greed.

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