Florida governor signs law making it illegal to advocate for Palestinian human rights because it's "antisemitic".

How does Israel get away with their atrocities against the Palestinians?

In one word... Guilt. Guilt over the Holocaust.

A 2013 poll found that the number one reason Jewish Americans give as the source of their identity as Jews is not race or religion.

Instead when asked "What does it mean to be Jewish?", the number one reason given (73%) was "Remembering the Holocaust".

It's a secular pseudo-religion that some people call Holocaust-ianity (combining the words "holocaust" and "Christianity")


Laws in many U.S. states, known as "holocaust education" laws, mandate the teaching of this secular pseudo-religion to all school children.

This indoctrinates kids with the belief that the Jewish people are "unique" in their historical victim-hood.

Therefore Jews deserve special rights that no one else has.

And therefore Israel has an ethical exemption to create the same type of racists country that Nazi Germany created.

That's also why anyone who seriously questions the official narrative of the Holocaust must be demonized as a "holocaust denier" and "nazi".

They must be ostracized, often physically attacked, and (where the laws allow it) put in jail for "holocaust denial".

"Holocaust denial" is in truth, a form of blasphemy against the pseudo-religion of Holocaust-ianity. It's really Holocaust Atheism.

And it must be prevented from spreading at all cost.

Creating false Jewish victimhood myths is nothing new.

Remember the Spanish Inquisition? History books are filled with claims of tens of thousands of Jews being tortured & murdered by evil white Christians during the Spanish Inquisition.

In reality the Spanish Inquisition was 99% Myth

If you start seriously questioning the Holocaust on most sub-reddits, someone will report you to the reddit admins for "hate speech" and your account will be suspended or banned.

For anyone brave enough to examine well researched info on this topic, checkout:

The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust:


You can also discuss any topic freely on


(pronounced like "Vote")

But beware that as a totally free speech platform, some people on voat.co use use naughty and offensive words.

/r/worldpolitics Thread Parent Link - palestinelegal.org