A Florida Republican reportedly compared his political rival to a 'f---ing speed bump' and threatened to send a hit squad to make her 'disappear'

hi thatsaweseomeandstuff - so I did defend you against what RudeInternet said - don't know if you saw it. Where the experts agree with you.

You said "I am of the opinion that a more narrow definition of fascism is useful in identifying and stamping it out when it arises."

I hear you. When it comes to trump and the gop, and as a balancing act - colloquially speaking, as a way to more accurately understand what we're up against - what is the cost of considering them fascist vs not? What do we gain by not considering fascist, or by doing so.

I think an earlier commenter than in different times and place, US fascism would look different than fascism in the '40s. I think the benefits outweigh the cost of calling trump and co fascsits.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com