Flown over Halifax today.

For the sake of argument , what ensures this method you propose doesn’t have power tripping individuals , assholes , and people with racist tendencies ?

What stops it from devolving into exactly what we have today?

There would have to be over sight . What if a community decides someone should get murdered ? Do they behead them in the street ?

Who over sees this doesn’t happen and the decisions are just ? Does every community just have a different set of laws based on the morals in that community ?

It would ultimately fall back on a government . In which case it would ultimately be decided by the government . Otherwise you’re proposing tribalism .

What you propose existed in the past , and it evolved into the system we have today .

It’s more logical that the solution is to have cops that aren’t assholes , to abolish racist laws, and to foster trust between police and people . not to consider a system we have in place is just broken. Cops at the end of the day are people. Some people are trash and some as well meaning.

/r/halifax Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com