It's so fluffy!

I call shenanigans.

According to Merriam Webster:

FUZZY adjective \ˈfə-zē\

1: marked by or giving a suggestion of fuzz <a fuzzy covering of felt>

2: lacking in clarity or definition <moving the camera causes fuzzy photos>

3: being, relating to, or invoking pleasant and usually sentimental emotions <warm and fuzzy feelings>

According to

fuzzy [fuhz-ee]

adjective, fuzzier, fuzziest. 1. of the nature of or resembling fuzz : a soft, fuzzy material. 2. covered with fuzz : a plant with broad, fuzzy leaves. 3. indistinct; blurred: A fuzzy photograph usually means you jiggled the camera. 4. muddleheaded or incoherent: a fuzzy thinker; to become fuzzy after one drink.adjective, fuzzier, fuzziest. 1. of the nature of or resembling fuzz : a soft, fuzzy material. 2. covered with fuzz : a plant with broad, fuzzy leaves. 3. indistinct; blurred: A fuzzy photograph usually means you jiggled the camera. 4. muddleheaded or incoherent: a fuzzy thinker; to become fuzzy after one drink.

According to the Oxford Dictionary:

fuzzy Syllabification: fuzz·y Pronunciation: /ˈfəzē/

Definition of fuzzy in English: adjective (fuzzier, fuzziest)

1 Having a frizzy, fluffy, or frayed texture or appearance: a girl with fuzzy dark hair

2 Difficult to perceive clearly or understand and explain precisely; indistinct or vague: the picture is very fuzzy that fuzzy line between right and wrong

2.1(Of a person or the mind) unable to think clearly; confused: my mind felt fuzzy

2.2. another term for fuzzed.

3 Computing & Logic Of or relating to a form of set theory and logic in which predicates may have degrees of applicability, rather than simply being true or false. It has important uses in artificial intelligence and the design of control systems.

Nary a "fluffy" in the bunch. What dictionary are you citing?

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