Focused Feedback: Season 4 Matchmaking for current Game Modes (PVP, Strikes, Gambit)

The biggest issue at the moment, IMO, is solo players being put up against stacks.

I usually stick to quickplay in Crucible. I prefer quickplay so I can have fun in a slightly less competitive environment, but it defeats the purpose when I'm constantly put up against a clan of tryhards steamrolling our team. We need either:

a) better matchmaking algorithms that have a bigger emphasis on placing stacks with other stacks. Seriously, I put days and DAYS into all of Bungie's Halo games, and this issue never annoyed me as much as it does now. Clearly something is going wrong.

b) a solo playlist for quickplay. I get that competitive should be a no holds barred type thing, but a solo playlist for quickplay would be more than welcome.

c) put a cap on party size in quickplay. I guarantee any clan that figures 'hey, lets put together a team of 4+ people and jump into quickplay" isn't doing it for the less competitive environment...they are doing it purely to take advantage of the system and steamroll people, lets be real here. Keep the big groups restricted to competitive.

Don't get me started on Gambit, this problem is even WORSE there. I've been trying to grind to rank 12 for Bygones lately...and I can hardly bare it. I'd say I get put up against a big stack about 50% of the time. 50%! That's just absurd. I don't know if Bungie thinks its fun to be up against a super coordinated clan all wielding sleepers that absolutely DESTROY your team's momentum from right out the gate...but it's not. Like, at all. I've literally played rounds where we only managed to deposit around 25 motes by the time they summoned their primeval. How in the world is this fair?

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread