A follow up on that LinkedIn recruiter post. He is threatening me

I was an engineer in an internet provider in a small European country. We didn't have a dedicated email server admin. I get the task that some mailbox is full, but not in the users domain, but our corporate one. It was called "abuse".

I'm online since the 90s and my concept of abuse email was about netiquette. Reporting an user because he behaves badly towards others. But why would the mailbox be full of those? Do we have some sort of insane maniac among our 40.000 internet subscribers?

Lo and behold, the mailbox is full of cease and desists from various attorneys for torrents, for http traffic, for everything. I'm unable to specify how much of it was there. The default mailbox on internal server was surely around 1 GB. So you can imagine how many of those crybaby emails were there.

I take a look at my collegue and we just drop the entire mailbox.

This week we agreed to have coffee and see eachother after 10 years. I stopped working for them in 2012. I'll ask him did he continue with the tradition :)

/r/antiwork Thread Link - i.redd.it