Fool of a Middle Schooler!

Yeah I've been fat and socially awkward my entire life, most people went out of their way to avoid me, and in the rare cases where that didn't happen, I learned later (i.e. they straight up told me when they got fucking sick of being around me) that they just felt bad for me.

Maybe one or two girls did like me and I was oblivious, though reading stories on the internet about what that actually looks like where everyone is like "wait, that person liked me!?", that's just extremely improbable.

I wish people could stop pretending like everyone is desireable to someone. The world don't owe us jack shit, literally no one has to like us. "We can all relate to this" is complete horse shit, some of us really are just unlikeable people who are physically unattractive and totally lacking personality to make up for it.

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