For the 25 years I've been in this topic, this has been my most jaw-dropping revelation. You wanted disclosure? You've had it today.

Not to be a killjoy but it doesn’t seem like people understand the nature of an event like the Ignatius forum…

Events like that are held because influential people in this country control the media and government…

David Ignatius is a writer of the Washington Post (Bezos owns it), and his dad was the former Assistant Secretary of Defense (Paul Ignatius)…

It is not hard at all for someone of Ignatius’s stature to call up his friends to organize an event like this, and this exact forum has been organized before…

Sure this is disclosure, but no more disclosure than anything else we’ve seen involving any of these people. Sure the DNI is significant, but they’re not saying anything new at this event for Ignatius…

/r/UFOs Thread