For a American politically fucked up day, a American politically fucked up meal. #fuckrepublicans

This has nothing to do with your comment, but I'm officially a lost cause at the moment. :(

My cat just peed on photos that I sorted about 30 minutes ago and had in a pile. Is there a cure for this or did I just lose all of them? There's probably 10 of my favorites from more than 10 years ago. His litter box just got cleaned an hour ago and he's spoiled to pieces. Why would a cat do this?

Back to you though. Yeah, in a weird way the boxes are great and I don't really drink that much when I have only it around. The wine is obviously kinda blah, but it's good for tapering if you're not a beer person. I was doing good for 3 weeks until tonight, hence why you see the sidekick in the pic.

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