for every player, there will be a day when they log off and never log back on

I just wrote a one word comment referencing your comment to another sub, how does that make me angry at you? I am not saying you can't write the philosophy of happiness, it just makes you look silly for writing that on a sub filled with memes and complete irrelevance to that topic.

You are the one who chose to reply to me.

I just said a comment that includes a subreddit and you write:

That's your response? It's a common ad hominem when cronfonted with an argument as to which you have nothing as a rational answer to.

Gives off a kind of condescending vibe doesn't it? I would want to reply to that.

And I could explain it. That's what my comment was about. I didn't being spouting words out of nowhere. I asked if they had interest.

Your comment just added to your irrelevant point and you attempted to sound intelligent by doing that also by also going into a ramble on the philosophy on random downvotes which your comment perfectly exemplified the reason to downvote.

not going to bother writing a long response arguement anymore, so let's stop wasting both of our time and get back to memes.

/r/osugame Thread Parent