For everyone asking what series to watch next...

A person could look at the chart and go I like strong character and relationship focus so I will watch SEED, but someone else can go I don't like stock footage and a melodrama I will pass.

Ah, so it's factually incorrect as well. SEED HD, the definitive version of SEED has substantially less stock footage and removed recap episodes. And the drama? One of the most widely praised aspects of SEED is a negative on this 'guide'. That alone is enough to throw this antiquated and opinionated piece of trash out the window.

It reeks of dishonesty when you try to claim saying the villains come from a different planet is just a pronoun.

It doesn't matter where they come from; why can't you wrap your head around that? The baddies could have come from Neptune and F91's story wouldn't have changed, the plot would be the same. Your fundamental lack of understanding this is mind-boggling. A review of F91's plot, art direction, music and animation quality, and story cohesiveness comes out identical whether the Crossbone Vanguard came from Venus, Pluto, or wherever else you want to supplement in. "He got where the antagonists originate from wrong! That means his critique must be completely wrong and entirely rubbish!" That's what you sound like, and is a point I have refuted over and over and over again.

When someone wants to read a critique of an entertainment piece, it's the cohesiveness of the plot, how it flows, the pacing, the characters, the animation quality, the music, etc. that is relevant.

But of course, the mass consensus of critics and the population alike must be wrong, and the opinion piece of a 'guide' created by some random from the internet has to be right.

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