For the first time ever in the 18 years it's been out, Halo 2 Legendary, All Skulls on (sans Envy) has been beaten deathless in one run, winning a $20,000 bounty from Crit1kal

A quick way to make me stop liking a Youtuber or Twitch content maker. Is when keep spending incredible large amounts of money on random stuff.

''i spend 1000$ on pokemon cards'' & ''if bloodborne gets announced, i am gonna give 100 gift subs'' or ''i spend 100,000 on a gacha game''

I thought the entire appeal of youtuber & twitch streamers, is that they were more like regular people. Kinda like you are hanging out with a friend. The ''i have some much money, it doesnt matter what i spend it on'' is a really weird mentality to me. At least buy some obscure sega saturn games, which in turn can be interesting content for your audience or spend it on charity.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread