For a game that spends so much on LCS and the pro scene, I'm surprised we don't have a save game feature.

I don't know how it works. I'm not a programmer, but I'd expect them to get freelancers to help or whatever if necessary.

So you basically think random programmers you meet over the internet can do better job coding than the ones Riot hand-picked?

Because there's going to be a heck of a lot of complications with that. First and foremost is the fact, since the game is so ever-changing, people would complain the fuck out of Riot. It's not even sure it would only be 6 months - it could be far far longer. And it's not only champions; It's general champion changes. For a game that needs (really needs) to keep changing to cater to it's community it'll be a big clusterfest if they stopped doing anything for 6-12 or more months. Of course it's not only the Gragas bug.

Not much programming would be needed for simple balance changes. Unless you're completely reworking a champion, you don't need to program new things but simply change the numbers. So the game would still be changing, just not on the same scale as "we're putting a melee mage in the position of ranged DPS."

Yes we do. But you remember the bugs more than you should. I've never tried where Annies R didn't do damage. Most AA cancels, if not all of them really, are just poor clicks (and yes, they are), Kindred I dunno havn't seen her, Azir was an outlier and it's not normal to have that many problems for a champion but they fixed him atleast, I've never heard of Malz E not giving assist or kill. I've never heard people complain about those, nor tried where those things (except for Azir) happened. And honestly I don't ever see that many bugs, and I really doubt that many people either. There's a lot of "bugs" people think are bugs, but are really just people fucking up and not wanting to admit it.

And you could also say there are a lot of "fuck ups" people think are fuck ups, but are really just the game bugging out and have no way to realize or notice it, like the blue trinket in C9's game.

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