For the gay Anime fans: How difficult it is for you to interact with the community?

I'm not gay but I'll answer from a general LGBTQA+ perspective.

Most of the time it's not going to be a different experience, but we're more likely to be interested in queer themed anime like (mlm) Banana Fish or YOI, (wlw) Utena or (trans) Wandering son. Then there's Yuri and BL anime which some of us watch but can also often draw criticism from our community. Plus we might be bothered by hetero normative, homophobic or transphobic depictions in Anime.

Like anywhere else there are some homophobic / transphobic parts of the anime community (to be clear, not the majority at all), which can be aggravating to see and deal with.

Also there's not really one "anime community", it's different comparing this sub to other places where there's a lot of women and/or LGBT+ folks around.

/r/anime Thread