For incels, it's not about sex. It's about women.

I strongly disagree. I've spent a lot of time in what some people are calling the "manosphere" (I hate that term because it sounds like this is something intrinsic to men, but whatever); this includes certain corners of places like 4chan (2004-present), early reddit, Misc on, various porn boards, and IRL groups like gamers, pickup artists and other heavily male subcultures that all seem to intersect with what's now known as "incels."

I'm not sure my anecdotal observations are worth much but incels aren't saying anything new or unique. Their talking points are almost all the same as what these guys have been saying for over a decade: violent misogyny that obsesses over female sexuality, aggressive shaming, violent fantasies, victim complexes, assertions that women "get everything handed to them" because they "control" the supply of sex, constant fixation on women's supposed irrationality and inherently treacherous natures, ridiculously traditional views of gender roles, and their most vicious and sadistic urges seemingly reserved for the women to whom they were most attracted.

Access to sex and companionship are not fixes for this type of misogyny, from my casual observation. The ones who did have enough social skills or looks to attract women inevitably seemed to end up engaging in domestic violence and/or varying forms of abuse against their partners.

I have no clinical expertise so I'm not going to speculate on why this kind of misogyny develops in the first place. But the incel who's been driven mad by his lack of sex sounds a lot like the "anti-SJW" Gamergate hardliner, who sounds a lot like the wannabe pickup artist who's "jaded" by what he learned about women in his PUA workshops, who sounds a lot like the anonib fapper who gets off on shaming random women with revenge porn, who sounds a lot like the boyfriend who slams your head against his car's dashboard while telling you that this is all your doing.

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