For the Khagan, for he is wise

The World Economic forum made up of the world's most powerful elites, and several powerful figures in several nations governemts are pushing an orwellian plan to enact the "fourth industrial revolution" with the lockdowns used to crash the world economy and make the biggest transfer of wealth to the rich since the original lockdowns. The system is objectively designed for making us heavily on the state and automation for "the greater good of humanity and nature". They themselves describe the system as nobody having property, everything being rented and delivered, long distance travel as being only with public transit, and of course the social distancing and orwellian dehumanizing.

The founder of the WEF wrote a book about it, describing everything. Can be found on Google. They also made a long detailed video describing a summary of the world in 2030, which was taken down due to the obvious fact people don't want to live as prols. It has been archived however, and broken down by several content creators. The videos they make now are all just sensationalism, perfectly shot scenes, and dramatic music to get the fullest emotional effect on the viewer without explaining any merit or procedure, just the usual fascistic "we can win, we just have to make ChAnGe (((((and obey))))))"

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