For people so sure they’re women they sure do have a lot of doubts about whether it’s all just some fetish...

They’re not disgusted by manhood, they’re disgusted by their failed attempt of manhood. It’s easier to reject something you failed than to face failure. “I didn’t want it anyways” like a toddler.

Mostly deep feelings of inadequacy near other men + mental illness. Usually shit relationship with father, envying high school jocks, blaming their dating experiences on women/other men anything but their shit social skills.

As an example a lot of neckbeards use the “intellectual” card because they feel defeated when compared to men they deem as athletic, powerful women magnets. Incredibly common, you know “nice guys” constantly trying to convince women that any successful attractive guy is a jerk/abusive/cheater/dumb.

Being a man of color can aggravate this (if he lives in a predominantly white area), the “all women go for white men” stuff can really affect someone who’s already not doing well.

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