For people who believe in heaven, what happens if you take a new spouse after your initial spouse dies? Do you still reunite with the initial spouse after death?

But what would you prefer he do? If you decide you don't want to be with God, should he force you? That doesn't sound very nice. Heaven is the presence of God, Hell is the absence. All God is doing is respecting your free will. If you refuse to follow him in this life, why would you spend eternity with him?

That's what the misunderstanding is. Sin is not a matter of morality. The issue isn't good people vs bad people. Sin is the state of rejecting God. That's why the "default" is Hell, because the default is that state of rejection. If you reject him, he lets you go. It's like any relationship. If you decide to break up with someone, the only healthy thing to do is for them to let you go and hope that you come back if they still love you.

I made a similar comment somewhere else. As there, I'm not trying to start an internet fight. Just trying to share what I've been taught and clear up what I see as a misunderstanding :)

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