For people who have SO’s in different continents, how long are your stays? And where do you draw a line for minimum days to stay with them?

We've only seen each other once this summer and my boyfriend spent 30 days with me. I'm visiting again in February and I'm staying in the States for a month and a half. I was a little scared a month was going to be too long for a first visit, but at the end of it I wished he could stay for longer lol. I'd rather see him less often but our visits be longer than see him more often and have our visits be 1/2 weeks. The money (travel expenses are far from affordable for me) and time spent traveling (14+ hours) just feel not worth it if it's that short. I miss him a lot and I would totally try to see him more often if the distance wasn't this big, but EU to US every other month for 10 days is just not doable for me.

/r/LongDistance Thread