For real, Scotland has one hell of a PR team

I understand u are obviously passionate about this subject but do u have to be so aggressive. Also, I'd be more inclined to understand what your saying if you'd actually present an argument and instead of asking me to repeat myself.

In Ireland, Dublin, Louth, Wicklow Wexford have all had populations of Old English / English speakers (whatever their DNA genetic origins) for many many centuries. In Wexford it is since the 11th century.
Are these Irish areas "anglicised"? Why? Why not?

some yes, some no, some have been Anglicised due to Anglo influence, their place names have changed to make them easier for English speakers. Wicklow was Vykyngelo, Waesfjord was Wexford, Linguistic Anglicisation

What exactly is the strong Anglo influence? How did it manifest itself in these areas?? And what areas are you referring to? Specifically on the map?

As I said before the Lowlands, Strong Anglo influence was brought by the English coming to an area and of course influencing the local culture, you kind of explained it yourself when you mentioned Wexford and Wickford, etc had English speakers going far back.

Also, I have to apologise for some confusion I might have caused/had I was referring to Lowlands Scots which has no linguistic relation to Highland Scots which I think is what you're referring to.

This is also why the part about Anglo protestant influence might not make sense as it was the lowlands that were mostly protestant. Though it is believed by some historians that the Highlands were also mostly protestant Source.

I wasn't specifically talking about Aberdeen I merely used it as an example because you mentioned it prior also Episcopalianism and Catholicism being heavy in Aberdeen doesn't mean there were no protestant societies.

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