For somebody that has never experienced reciprocated love, how would you describe it?

Not a male, but since no one is actually answering the question you want answered, and I've been depressed, deal with social anxiety, and all that jazz, I thought maybe I have the perspective you want and could take a stab at it.

It's fun. You think about that person and everything sounds fun. Grocery shopping? fun. Standing in line at the DMV? fun. Why? because I can't imagine anything not being fun when they're around. *It feels good to know that someone has your back, and is without question, behind you 100%. He supports me and encourages me in ways that I don't even do for myself. *Security. I don't feel jealous. Ever. It's incredibly obvious that he reciprocates my feelings and I *never wonder, "does he feel this way about me?" because I know that he does. *Arguments. When we argue, we don't yell or tear the other person down because we want to make our point. In a reciprocal relationship, there's an underlying respect to everything that you do. I don't want to hurt him, but I also want him to know what I think. He feels the same. So when we argue, it gets resolved quickly, efficiently, and leaves both of us feeling closer to each other. *Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve it. I've never had a positive relationship where someone actually encourages me and tells me I'm awesome and that they love all these things about me. It's strange. The compliments and positivity can be overwhelming. Especially when what I'm used to is just about the opposite. *I feel a lot of pressure at times. It's like my anxiety is kicking in and telling me "this is too good, something is wrong" or I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I never am, and he never makes me feel that way, but calms me down when I let him. *I feel like I can tell him anything with no judgement. *sex. Simply put, its the best. I get to feel incredibly close to him, while also exploring kinky stuff.

Now this is only my experience, and this is also by far the healthiest relationship I've ever experienced. It's also still fairly new, so take what you want from it.

Also, advice I would give? Work on yourself and make yourself a better person (whatever that means to you) and while you're focusing on yourself, a great person will come along. That shouldn't be the goal, but I guarantee it will happen. You could stay overweight, but if you're confident and happy with yourself, you'll still be more likable than the dill-hole with the abs and the personality of a brick.

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