For someone who's trying to break into data science, what percentage of their recent experience should be ML related on their resume?

Thank you for commenting. I'll try to apply. The reason why I wasn't sure was because of a post I read yesterday on this sub, something along the lines of "What would you like to see in a resume" and there was this on answer (attaching below) and I haven't done any of those or even work on technologies like spark ML, airflow, luigi.

ML/Modeling DS:

  • Are you a domain expert in the field we're hiring in? No, really - were you *the* forecasting guru at company X? When we're hiring for an experimentation expert, or an NLP expert, we don't just want someone who watched a few videos on udemy.
  • Again, what have you built? Have you built pipelines in spark ML? Can you use airflow/luigi/another job scheduling framework?
  • Can you demonstrate intellectual ownership? What methodology have you developed? We expect scientists, and scientists invent stuff.
  • Again, have you designed and owned experiments, esp. complicated ones? A strong experimentalist is a good statistician, and a good statistician has strong ML fundamentals.
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