For sports fans who don't like hearing about how non-fans don't like sports, try to put yourself in their shoes just a little bit

I said there ARE people who bitch about, certainly within that thread too, but the ratio is such that there are more that bash non-sports fans.

And my comment was relating to those who bitch about sports fans. You said something along the lines of sports fans who bitch about non-sports fans bitching about sports fans are the same as non-sports fans bitching about sports. I responded to this by saying that promoting your own interests (which non-sports fans are bitching about) is very different from putting down someone else's interest (what sports fans are bitching about non-sports fans doing), therefore each party's complaining is different and not the same as it implied. Until you address this you haven't put forth a relevant argument. If you agree with me, then why bother putting forth a comment in the first place.

Oh the stttrrraww maaann. Is this like, homework for your Intro to Philosophy course? 

Be a cunt all you want, that's exactly what you did. You said that I said something I didn't then refuted it. Misrepresenting someone's argument than fighting the parody is the definition of a strawman argument.

I'm the only that's actually gone through the thread to find evidence. 

Which would be cool if what you found was the least bit relevant to what I said instead of what you said I said.

Start an argument over the internet and throw around non-relevant logical fallacies to feel smarter? The irony of course being that you JUST straw man-ed me by claiming that I said there were no comments in the thread that bash sports fans...

I never said you said that, can you read? Jesus, you're insecure about the whole being smarter thing, but throwing arguments like this at me sure as shit isn't going to convince me you've graduated high school, let alone how smart you want me to think you are. Your reading comprehension is at about a Charlie Kelly level.

/r/bestof Thread Link -