For those thinking about quitting, consider this...

Hey, honey bunny - howabout just go? Are you posting so that maybe someone will convince you to keep playing? You're a man, yeah? Maybe even an adult? Embrace your fucking life, make your choices. Don't waffle, don't wiggle like some awkward teenager unsure if he should go onto the dancefloor or be a wallflower, this isn't junior high. Either fuck right off or kick it up a notch. "For months, the only thing I could use my energy to grind..." what a sentence. I dare you to tell the next woman you intend to fuck about how you could only uwse yow energy to what. Jesus H, dude. "The fun is long gone" - you typed that. So man up and leave - go. It pains me to see men in such a half-life state: complaining about how "the fun is gone" like a sulky puppy. Yuck. Spare us your cringey cancer. Go do something worthwhile or affirm your aim in the game, don't exist like a limp-wristed wimpy limbo ghost. You're an embarrassment to your ancestors, who all managed to fuck and make babies, and here you are whimpering becawse of the grind and rng. Look in the mirror and snap out of your self-indulgent waffling.

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