For those of you thinking about trying to do 4th of Juplaya

Hoping there's a ventilator available if you need one isn't hoping that you die; it's hoping that if the worst were to happen, you'll live. I have been being sarcastic on this thread, but I wouldn't be sarcastic about that.

In the context of how that was written absolutely no way would that be how that was interpreted, as pointed out by others.

> I'm just saying that I totally understand where the "open the economy" side is coming from, because I am personally affected by it.

I'm not even on the "open the economy" side, the reality is by July it is incredibly unlikely that there will be any SIP orders. Given the overwhelming amount of the funds provided by the CARES act run out at the end of the month you can guarantee that to be certain.

> But it doesn't change the fact that there's a pandemic either. It doesn't change germ theory. It doesn't change how disease spreads. Most people who catch Covid don't get sick enough to die, but plenty get sicker than they've ever been and they spread it very easily. It's a nastier acute illness than most of us in the First World have ever seen.

I'm aware, I've had two family members pass from covid, it's probably the absolute worst way to go that I can imagine. None of that takes away from the fact that if we're expecting people go be working in offices as normal, people should able to traverse and spend their time outside of work doing things they enjoy as normal too, or whats the fucking point?

> When did all this turn into "open the economy" versus "believe Covid spreads easily and it's serious"? Denying either the economic threat or the health threat really would be stupid and oblivious.

Large media companies that deliberately over sensationalize data to print spicy headlines to get eyeballs for ad revenue.

> And so is having group get-togethers this summer. That may be "just an opinion," but it is one shared by anybody who knows anything about disease.

That's lovely, we don't have a competent administration in place so working people aren't being taken care of nor will they be taken care of, so going for maximum safety while people are losing their cars, homes and livelihoods doesn't exactly work. America is probably one of the best examples on not being capable of doing what is optimal to prevent disease, that problem isn't new nor is it going away, nor is it solved by not leaving your home.

> At the rate we're going, we're going to tank the economy and kill hundreds of thousands of people, just because both sides refuse to believe that both the threat to the economy and the threat from Covid are real.

You're making an awful assumption. I'm well aware of the risks, the reality is and we're already seeing it, that people are not going to continue staying home if they aren't able to meet their needs financially or otherwise. No one is or will be doing anything to fix that so the best we can hope for is focusing on how to get back to regular life as responsibly as possible. Going to the Black Rock Desert with your own car and stopping minimally along the way is less risky than most people are going to deal with taking public transportation to their jobs.

> Ok, that is all. We can return to being sarcastic and insulting each other now.

If you don't want that to happen in the future, don't call people retarded for pointing out pretty obvious flaws in your attempt at moral superiority.

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