For those who are against weed, what makes you vote against the legalization/decriminalization of marijuana?

I’m allergic to the smoke, my airways constrict.

Smoking weed is terrible for your peripheral arteriovascular system, can cause gangrene or speed up buergers disease and increase the size of a AAA significantly quicker than cigarettes.

It can damage brain cells of young brains that are still growing.

I don’t want to work with people under the influence. I don’t like working around smokers, I don’t want anyone drunk or high around me when I’m trying to focus, and there is no current DUI test for it, so it can’t be enforced.

Legalizing it would free up the jails and take a load of work off of police officers, but I don’t think it’s worth it. There are medical benefits as well, but most of them could be obtained if it wasn’t so hard to get the pill form approved for certain diagnoses. The pill works, I’ve had good results with patients, but they don’t want the pill because it’s not as fun, and you don’t get the same high. Usually, patients that are asking for it just want to abuse it.

/r/AskReddit Thread