For those of you who came out to your parents and it didn't go well...has there been any improvements?

I came out to my parents about 5 years ago. When I came out they took it very hard. They tried to get me “help” and basically forced me to go to church to fix me. After a few months of trying my parents stopped talking about fixing me and we all just pretend it never happened with the only difference being they don’t ask me about girls anymore.

A few weeks ago my Mom was talking about my niece and talking about me having a kid one day. I looked at her and said “I think we both know that’s not going to happen” She then said “you could always adopt with someone one day.” After she said that I left and almost broke down and cried. This was the first time she acknowledged me being gay as something that’s not evil and sinful even if it’s not that direct of a comment. It really surprised me how much her acceptance really meant to me.

/r/askgaybros Thread