For those who don't understand the reason people are upset with the banner change

Personally as a F2P the idea of four banners isn’t the worst, there’s more available units which I can identify and summon. As a person who summons for what they need rather than summoning on every banner, I’m not really affected by this change. HOWEVER, I will say that how they treated the Legendary Summon banner is horrible. The only unit I can use that’s meta relevant (especially after 200 percent leader skills) is the new goku. The rest of the featured units are extremely behind and are near unusable. They shouldve added much newer units (LR Phy Goku and Piccolo, LR Teq Goku and Gohan) as the featured units.

TL;DR - the new banner gives more options in term of featured units, but the featured units are quite shit especially the 200 percent lead powercreep

/r/DBZDokkanBattle Thread